Monday, July 5, 2021

Wendy and the Lost Girls Parts One to Five

Written by Tom Doganoglu

This was a very interesting tale. The way the author tells this story is very unique from what you might have expected when you pick the book but it was very enjoyable experience. It has a lot of character development in it and makes you see a whole new world instead of the same old kind of Neverland story.

The novel starts off with letting us know that Wendy is an orphan and lives in a place called the Darling Academy and always gets "detention" with the headmistress. All the kids in the academy are set up with the last name Darling, to ensure they belong to the academy. Wendy and some girls (whose names are Alexandria, Elizabeth, and Mary) are told by Belle that they must save Peter, who will (after rescuing be able to) assist them in rescuing the fairies and Neverland.

I have really enjoyed reading through it. It took a while cause things kept interrupting me and it was quite hard to put down each time I was able to pick it back up.

I was able to request a free ebook copy of this story and am willingly leaving my own opinions on the novel with no bias on story.


Book Description

In a land where anything is possible, sometimes the hardest thing to do is believe.

Wendy is an orphan, living and learning at the Darling School for girls under the strict supervision of Headmistress Darling. Along with her regular studies, Wendy is forced to learn fencing, archery, rapelling, hand to hand combat, wilderness survival, and a variety of other things she is sure she will never need.

She yearns to be free of the school’s unrelenting control of her life, and finally gets her chance when Belle appears hovering outside her window, asking her to bring warriors and come back with her to Neverland to free Peter and the remaining faeries from the evil Queen who rules the land.

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