Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Bend and Snap

This move was on Legally Blonde and when I went to see just the video of the move to show my daughter (cause I thought it was funny, especially the guy at the end saying it works every time) I came across a site that tells of the "steps" so thought I would share them here:

1. Assume a target. It might be your crush, a guy you've never seen before but have fallen for "just like that", or it might be someone you know well, and just want to try out this move on for a test (you can explain afterward).

2. Casually find an object that is not heavy and is easy to pick up. It needs to be something that you'd normally be carrying around, such a pen, piece of paper, tweezers, your watch, etc.

3. Invite the guy over for a casual conversation. He will be unaware that he has propelled himself into your plan. Alternatively, it might be easier to approach him––it all depends on the context.

4. Drop your chosen item. Do it "by accident", right in the middle of the conversation -- if things are going well. Now comes the move.

5. Slowly bend forward while sliding your hand delicately down your leg. It's a good idea to practice this in front of the mirror, as you might feel self-conscious about how it comes across otherwise.

6. Pick up the item. As you do so, brusquely "snap" upwards, at the same time lunging your chest outward and towards your chosen target. Think of it like being a tree branch snapping back into position after bending in the wind.

7. Glance into your target's eyes. Don't break eye contact. Giggle playfully. Hopefully, he will now be totally attracted to your charm, or at least, very much paying attention!

This was found here:


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