Book starts out with Judith getting ready to tell a story, and the children are picking names to go in the story and pick hers and Andrew (which makes Judith blush, and who is Levi's cousin). Her sister Martha shows off in front of the guys a little (by sashaying) and laughs with Levi, which in turn makes Judith mad, saying (in her head) that since she is turning 19 tomorrow, it should be she exchanging pleasantries with him, not Martha.
He’d talked about courting Judith as soon as she turned nineteen, and here were her sister and him making playful gestures at the table while the preacher was praying, before the meal. Her younger brother get hurt, and that is when she first sees the angel.
Much more happens in the book, but i can't continue too much without giving away very key details about what is going on, I loved this book and finished it in under a day as I didn't want to stop reading. Will be glad to read the second book in series when it comes out.
When i got to the ending i had tears in my eyes, but still a smile as well.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.
Book Description
In Mescota County, Michigan, an angelic visitor's words inspire Judith to a future she never imagined. After a barn raising accident, Judith Fischer’s convinced she’s met an angel. However, her attempts to convince others end up frustrating her Old-Order Amish community. Only Andrew Lapp believes her, but the rest, including Levi Plank, the man’s she’s waited to marry, demand she forget the nonsense. Meanwhile, her younger sister Martha has taken a fancy to Levi and sees her sister's controversy as a perfect distraction for turning Levi's head.
In a dream, the angel tells Judith she must choose her path. As her faith continues to grow, so do her feelings for Andrew. Will she continue to place her hope in the angel’s message, even if it means losing all she knows and loves?
Some translations from book
abvoahra: serve
ach: oh
aemen: amen
aenti: aunt
bloh: blue
boppli: baby
daed: dad
denki: thank you
drauwa: trust
Englischer: a non-Amish person
es: is
fasavvahra samling: sour the gathering
fashprecha: promise
fraa: wife
gayl: yellow
geh: go
greeya fatt: get away
guder mariye: good morning
guder nacht: good night
gut: good
haus: house
himlish-engel: heavenly angel
Ich: I
Ich veiklich: I truly
jah: yes
kaffi: coffee
kapp: a prayer covering
kumm: come
kumm mitt mich: come with me
leddich: unmarried
mamm: mom
mammi: grandmother
maydel: girl
meidung: shunning
meiya: tomorrow
mich: me
muscht: must
nacht: night
nau: now
nay: no
nett: not
onkle: uncle
Ordnung: the written and unwritten rules of the Amish
Pennsylvania Deitsch: the language most commonly used by the Amish
redd-up: clean up
rumschpringe: running-around period that begins when the person turns sixteen years old and ends when the young person is baptized into the Amish faith.
saund: sound in doctrine
shiklich: appropriate, suitable, proper
shul: school
vass: what
veiklich: truly
vinsha: wish
wedder: weather
wundebaar: wonderful
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