Your first step of course is to make a Henna paste. To do this you will need to do the following steps.
Step 1: What You Will Need
What You Will Need>:
• Fresh henna powder
• Lemon juice
• Sugar
• Essential oils (I used tea tree)
• Non-metal mixing bowl and spoon
• Plastic wrap
• ZipLock bag
• Decorating tip
• Rubbing alcohol
• Olive oil
• Mild soap
• Tape
• Scissors
• Gloves for handling henna
• Henna bottle applicator kit (I found these on ebay)
Step 2: Measure Out 1/4 Cup of Sifted Henna Powder Into a Bowl
• Buy henna with a greenish-brown tint
o Too brown=old henna and won’t leave a good stain
o Too green=may have added dye to make it look fresh when it really isn’t
• Store leftover powder in the freezer to stay fresh
• Vary the amount of henna you make to the size of your design
• Sift henna to get rid of chunks that could clog the applicator tip
Step 3: Add ¼ Cup of Lemon Juice While Stirring
If needed add additional lemon juice until the consistency is between toothpaste and pudding
• If substance appears too thick after adding lemon juice, Slowly add additional lemon juice to avoid getting too runny
• Smash all lumps beginning to form while stirring
Step 4: Stir in 1 ½ Tsp. of Sugar and 1 ½ Tsp. of Essential Oil
• Use oils that contain terpinols (I used tea tree)
• After adding in oil and sugar the texture should be silky
Step 5: Cover Henna With Plastic Wrap
Rest for 24 hours at room temperature to draw the dye out of the henna
-The henna should appear similar to the last step
-Possibly will appear a little thicker
Step 6: Once the Henna Has Set, Scoop Out the Dye Into Your Applicator
a. I washed out a tip from an old decorating gel tube,
b. cut the corner of a Ziploc bag,
c. and placed the tube into the bag
d. Tape the bag around the tube to secure
e. Spoon out henna into the applicator
Either use henna immediately, or freeze until use
Step 7: Wash Skin With Soap and Water
• If skin is oily, apply additional rubbing alcohol
Step 8: Position Your Tip Over Skin
• Use proper protection when using henna: it will stain skin and clothes
Step 9: 3. Create Your Design!
Hands and feet stain darker
a. Websites to view design options
b. Apply pressure gently until you get a feel of how fast the henna will come out
c. Clip the tip back if it does not come out well enough
d. I would recommend staying away from central body parts that don’t stain as easily
Step 10: Let Design Dry
• Cracking of the henna is a good thing
Step 11: Wrap Your Design With Plastic Wrap
Keep covered for at least 10 hours
Step 12: Add Olive Oil to Design After Unwrapping
Step 13: Remove Excess Flakes With a Mild Soap and Water
• Gently blot design when removing the excess flakes after it has dried so you don’t shorten the life of the design
• The design will turn from a lighter orange shade into a reddish/brown shade within 12 hours of removing flakes
And that completes how to make your very own hanna tattoo.
i found the info on this here: (but i did add my own info to it, and my own pictures will be in here)
Here is another great site about henna