Friday, November 15, 2013

DIY: Hair Chalking!

All the kids are doing this now here is a cheaper way!

You'll need:
Soft pastel chalk.
A small spray bottle filled with water
A flat iron or curling iron
Rubber gloves
A old towel or t-shirt you don't mind getting color on.

Step 1: Spray a 1-inch section of hair with water. You don't need to soak the entire strand, just go as high up as you want the color to be.

Step 2: Color on your hair with one of the pastels. I recommend choosing about three colors, and putting one at a time in your hair. Start with the lightest shade first, since, as you can see, the color gets all over your gloves and you'll end up with a muddied version of the same hue throughout if you go dark to light.

Step 3: Wait for your hair to air dry.

Step 4: Using the curling or flat iron, go over each colored strand. This sets the colors in your hair, so it will last longer. Then brush and style however you normally would!

The color stayed in my hair (which is naturally medium blonde)for about a week, while my friend's (who bleaches her hair) washed out the next day. The best part about this technique is that it works for girls with darker hair too, although the color is much more subtle.

Hair Dye Using Sidewalk Chalk

Supply list:
- One piece of sidewalk chalk
- Water
- A cup or bowl
- Scissors or a knife
- Hair dryer
- Hair spray

What To Do

For light hair:

- Select a section of the hair that you want colored.
- Using the chalk, draw/color on your hair as if using a marker.
- Immediately apply a small mist of hair spray to hold it in place.

For dark hair:

- Place chalk into the container.
- Add small amounts of water to chalk to dampen (not soak).
- Let the chalk set for a few minutes until it starts to deteriorate slightly.
- Use the scissors or knife to scrape off the loosened chalk.
- Using your fingers, make the chalk into a paste.
- Apply the paste to the area of your hair that you want colored using a pinching technique.
- Allow to sit for at least 30 minutes.
- On the lowest, coolest setting, blow dry your hair very carefully.
- After it dries apply a small mist of hair spray to hold it in place.

If you follow these steps as stated above, the chalk should wash out after one shampoo. If the chalk is a little persistent, baking soda is great for removing color. Simply mix it into a paste while showering and apply to hair as if shampooing.

Also this link here has a great (but long and complicated way to make the chalk and dye your hair with it)

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